A BONG by any other name is simply a BONG. RXDirect2u.com manufactures and sells high quality VAPORIZERS for the AROMATHERAPY, MEDICAL MARIJUANA and Recreational MARIJUANA Industry. Utilizing proven scientific principles, the RXDirect2U VAPORISER is calibrated to the optimal temperature ensuring the HEALTHIEST TOKE you could possibly have.
The RXDirect2U.com ELECTRIC VAPORIZER BONG was designed and perfected in Vancouver British Columbia Canada by professionals in the MEDICAL MARIJUANA VAPORIZER Industry. Concerned over the negative health implications of standard smoking and toking practices, RXDirect2U.com designed what was to become the BEST MEDICAL MARIJUANA VAPORIZER on the Market today.
If you don't smoke MARIJUANA, no worries, the RXDirect2U VAPORISER is a natural Health product which can be used in the Aroma Therapy arena as the Best ELECTRIC DIFFUSER you will ever find. Why take our word for it, check out http://www.rxdirect2u.com to read all about what makes our VAPORIZER so much different than anything else you will find in the VAPORIZER marketplace.
Friday, November 21, 2008
This is not a pipe it is a vaporizer
Once again, THIS IS NOT A PIPE, it is a VAPORIZER
Monday, October 27, 2008
M.D. Recommends Vaporizer for Marijuana
DON'T SMOKE Marijuana;
Inhale Cannabinoids
The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products.
After reading the essay below, you may want to view a photo gallery and video on the Multimedia Vaporization subpage. Also, at the bottom of this page are links to vaporizers and vaporization information elsewhere on the web.
Vaporizing Cannabinoids- Inhaling Safely
Phytoinhalation- non burning ingestion of active principles
The usual irritating and toxic breakdown products of burning utilized with smoking are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils below ignition temperature of both crude and refined cannabis products affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity, and tracheobronchial tree from pyrollytic breakdown products.
Herodotus first described vaporizing cannabinoids in the 5th century BC:
”The Scythians then take the seeds of this hemp and, creeping under the mats, they throw them on the red hot stones; and, being so thrown, they smolder and send forth so much steam that no Greek vapor bath could surpass it. The Scythians howl in their joy at their vapor-bath. This serves them instead of bathing, for they never wash their bodies with water.”[i]
Purified cannabinoids were noted to boil at 150° - 180° C. (302° - 356° F) by Wood, Spivey, and Easterfield (J Chem S, v lxix, 539) in the 20th Ed. 1918 U.S. Dispensatory.[ii]
Red oil, an extractive product from organic solvents and filtration, was described by Adams in 1940 to boil at 180° - 190° C. (356° - 374° F)[iii]
The Merck Index lists the boiling point of delta 1 Tetrahydrocannabinol as 200° C (392° F)[iv]
The author first recommended vaporizing cannabinoids in 1993[v] with the observation that vaporizing cannabinoids takes place below ignition temperature with much less exposure to the numerous breakdown products of burning. Vaporizers, a video was published in 1999, updated 2002 documenting different devices in use.[vi]
Gieringer in a two part study compared vaporized cannabis with smoked cannabis and different smoking devices and found vaporizers to be free from tars or other breakdown products of combustion.[vii]
The Superior Vaporization Technique McCoy TR[viii] in a thoroughly documented description of using the Vripmaster vaporization device utilizing different adjustable heat guns.
June 2000 at the International Cannabinoid Research Society meeting Oakland Cannabis Buyers Cooperative director Jeff Jones demonstrated a Vripmaster /Steinel HG3002LCD heat gun.
Classic Pharmaceuticals sponsored the first vaporizer contest in Redway on November 11, 2000 with eight entrants and minimal publicity.
Regarding the use of thermostatically controlled heat gun devices, patients report positive feedback regarding efficacy and prefer to smoking cannabis. Instead of losing drug to combustion, which continues after inhalation, the heat gun is turned off and the vaporization halted.
The freedom from breakdown products of burning permits appreciation of aromas and tastes of cannabis. Hot air essential oil extraction process from granulated crude cannabis appears to be the most efficient and temperature controllable. Furthermore, there are significant changes in the composition and rate of vaporization with the increase in temperature. Delicate and distinctive aromas and tastes at the lower temperatures change in character and intensity as temperature increases. For product description it will be appropriate to characterize first aroma, second taste, and psychic effects.
While the Merck Index lists delta 1, 9THC as vaporizing at 392° F, the actual subjective experience is that the vaporization of cannabinoids is a function of temperature and amount. While delta 1, 9 THC may vaporize at that temperature the other cannabinoids go into vapor phases at temperatures significantly below.
Starting at room temperature in a bud trimming room with significant exposed crude cannabis affects me and others not adapted to ambient levels of cannabis vapor. With granulated crude cannabis supplemented with condensed refined resin vaporization takes place at lower temperatures. (190 - 200° F).
Using a Vriptech with a Steinel HG 3002LCD at 360° F appears optimal. Between 360° and 390°F there appears to be irritative pyrollytic degradation products out gassing. There is agreement with users at the 390° F and above there are pyrollytic.
I would strongly recommend that all cannabis centers utilize vaporization to screen and categorize products to better detect pesticide residues or other contaminants.
These cannabis tasters would also better characterize the qualitative properties of the samples and give feedback to the provider as well as inform the customers.
In addition to protecting customers it gives providers quality standards. Similarly, all cannabis cup competition organizers should be encouraged to vaporize the products to permit a more complete and sophisticated description of competing products.
Vaporization constitutes a salient breakthrough in cannabis therapeutics because of safety and avoiding the other disadvantages of smoking cannabis. Additionally, the complexities from the enhanced appreciation of tastes and aromas adds aesthetic dimensions to cannabis products that are obscured by smoking. Improvement of health in marijuana smokers who ingest high impurity product in large amounts appreciate inhaling cannabinoids instead.
Clinical and chemical analysis of vapor from crude cannabis at different temperatures to define and quantify mixtures of cannabinoids and other products is needed. This research will provide empirical bases for optimal medicinal efficacy of different cultivars for specific symptoms inhaled at specific temperatures.
Environmentally, vaporization systems are safe and acceptable in a non smoking environments. The high quality heat guns are essentially the similar to hair dryers and will be suitable for use in hospitals and other health care settings. With proper technique there are minimal emissions compared with smoking.
Semantically, inhaling cannabinoids permits one to self-righteously and honestly say: Me, smoke marijuana? Never.
Tod H. Mikuriya
[i] Kimmens AC Tales of Hashish William Morrow & Co NY 1977 Herodotus, histories iv. 73-75 (5th Century B.C.) 270 – 271.
[ii] Remington, JP, Wood, HC, et al The Dispensatory of the United States 20th Ed. 1918 pp 276 281.
[iii] Adams R, Marijuana NY Acad of Med v 18, 1943 Reprinted Marijuana Medical Papers, 1839 - 1972 Ed Mikuriya, TH MediComp Press 1973 345 - 374
[iv] The Merck Index 12th Ed Merck & Co. Whitehouse Station, NJ 1996 p 1573
[v] Mikuriya, TH Vaporization of Cannabinoids: A Preferable Drug Delivery Route mir.drugtext.org/druglibrary/schaffer/hemp/vaporize.htm 12/16/93
[vi] Cannabis Vaporizers video Classic Pharmaceuticals – Godfrey Productions 1999 5min 15 seconds. Presented at First National Clinical Cannabis Therapeutic Conference, Iowa City, 2000 and Biorresouces Hemp 2000, Wolfsburg Germany.
[vii]Gieringer, D Newsletter of the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies
MAPS - Volume 6 Number 3 Summer 1996, Update NORML News Jan 11, 2001
[viii] McCoy TR The Superior Vaporization Technique 1998 10 pp www.vriptech.com rev 4/20/00 ©1998 VripTech Int. 1998
Marijuana Brownie receipe
You will need one box of brownie mix (I got betty crockers with real chocolate syrup)
1/2 cup vegatable oil (or whatever amount it requires on your box of brownie mix)
2 eggs (or whatever amount of eggs required on your box)
and 3/4--1 full oz of shake (any quality will do, I used average to below average quality, so keep that in mind when deciding how much you want to use...)
1 cup nuts of your choice (optional)
You will need to grind up your shake into a powder, you can use a blender and grind it, or a coffee grinder, once its a nice powder, set it aside.
Next you will need a skillet like pan or just a med size pot, put the required oil for your brownies in the pan and heat the oil on a med-low heat, add your shake powder and continue to stir it constantly for about 5-7 minutes, once it has a nice smell it's done, if it smells "hot" you might have cooked it too long, you are going for a nice, kinda nutty-toasty smell. Once you've achieved that aroma remove from heat and let cool.
Then mix all ingredients together in a mixing bowl (remember to let the oil/shake mixture cool or your eggs might turn scrambled, not yummy.)
Then in a greased, no less than 9", square pan add your mixture and bake in a preheated oven of around 325 degrees for 20-40 minutes (depending on your box of brownies).
One box of brownie mix should yeild about 18 good-sized brownies.
There you go, easy, potent brownies, which not only work, bur taste damn good! Because we turned the shake into a powder you should not be able to taste any marijuana, or get any unpleasant chunks.
Try this recipe and let me know how it worked for you.
Have a great day, and happy cooking! :)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Marijuana Less Harmful than Drinking Alcohol or Smoking Tobacco
The Beckley Foundation, a charity which numbers senior experts and other academics among its advisors, said banning cannabis has no impact on supply and turns users into criminals.
"Although cannabis can have a negative impact on health, including mental health, in terms of relative harms it is considerably less harmful than alcohol or tobacco," says the report by the Foundation's Global Cannabis Commission.
The government is pressing for cannabis to be re-classified in law as a Class B drug compared with its current, less serious, Class C classification.
Authorities are concerned notably by the growing prevalence of the potent "skunk" form of the drug. Around 80 percent of cannabis seizures are of this strain, said to be linked to mental health problems, official figures show.
The Beckley Foundation, a charitable trust, claimed only two deaths worldwide have been attributed to cannabis, while alcohol and tobacco use together kill an estimated 150,000 people in Britain alone.
"Many of the harms associated with cannabis use are the result of prohibition itself, particularly the social harms arising from arrest and imprisonment," it said.
"It is only through a regulated market that we can better protect young people from the ever more potent forms of dope," it added.
The decision to reclassify cannabis upwards into the more punitive Class B category -- which includes amphetamines -- is a U-turn for the Labour government.
Cannabis was downgraded from Class B when Tony Blair was prime minister, but Gordon Brown announced a review of its status soon after taking over in June last year.
An earlier review of the cannabis classification, at the time of the last 2005 general election, resulted in it remaining Class C.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Legalization of Medical Marijuana on the Hawaii Ballot
One of our grassroots groups did just that. There will be a proposition on the ballot in November proposing that the police be required to make possession of 24 or less plants or 24 or less ounces of marijuana on private property the lowest possible enforcement priority.
Of course the local police who handle marijuana investigations immediately decried the idea.
Their reasoning?
"The proposed ballot measure basically tells police to ignore arresting someone for marijuana possession."
Well, yeah. That's the idea. They simply don't want their kuliana (territory, business, one's bread and butter, etc) taken away.
When asked if the DEA would increase their effors to enforce federal law relating to marijuana here, the DEA representative responded, "That question gets into the means and methods of the DEA, which is another place we won't go for obvious reasons."
Those obvious reasons also have created a no-oversight, above -the-law DEA mentality of arrogance of power. For instance, the surveillance no-search-warrant helicopters are required by law to remain at or above 1000 feet altitude or more above ground level. Various watchdog groups have many photos and eyewitness accounts of the helicopters flying at treetop level or even lower, landing on public roadways, and on one occasion, making an emergency landing in a school yard. That turned out to be another area where the DEA 'does not 'want to go.' They refuse to comment publicly on accidents or other debacles in which they've been involved. One day in 1991 I witnessed a crash landing of a Green Harvets helicopter in the Honuanau valley. I remember lookign through the newspaper next day for a story on the happening. Nothing, nada. I have also personally witnessed the helicopters flying at or below treetop level around my neighborhood on several occasions.
The latest dustup over Green Harvest (surveillance helicopters searching people's backyards, etc) occurred when the Hawaii County Council voted earlier this year not to accept further federal funding for the pogrom(sic), citing widspread public disdain for the program and the drain it causes on county budgetary and law enforcement resources. It is common knowledge that we have real pressing matters to which we need attend such as hospitals, education; dealing with real crimes, including robberies, rape, domestic violence, and not least, the crystal methamphetamine epidemic~ which, by the way, many people here think has been exacerbated by 24 years of draconian marijuana eradication via the helicopters.
Our local DEA response to that action? They went strong-arm, stating publicly that if the county indeed refuses to play along, the DEA will come in and run the program themselves, deputizing local law enforcement without consent. They also threatened to arrest medical growers here who's activities are legal by Hawaii state law.
On a related note, I find it ironic that the current regime in Washington has repeatedly come down on the side of the DEA in states where medical marijuana has been legalized, claiming federal law supercedes state law.
But what happened when South Dakota passed an anti-aborion law which includes not allowing abortion for underage rape victims or even incest victims?
In spite of Roe vs, Wade, the bush/cheney regime cried, "States rights!"
What hypocracy. It will be interesting to see how this will play out in November, if we will still be having elections in this country by then.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Dark Iron Smoking Pipe
Dark Iron Smoking Pipe
Binds when picked up
Requires Level 70
Equip: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 43.
Use: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 155 for 20 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)
RXDIRECT2U.com has the perfect solution to making your world of warcraft experience more enjoyable and limiting the amount of carcinogens you inhale while toking during the game. Check out the safest and best VAPORIZER (Otherwise known as an electric BONG) on the market today.
RXDIRECT2U manufactures and sells the best and healthiest Marijuana and herb VAPORIZER for the Recreational and medical marijuana and herb user.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Number 1 VAPORIZER on the Market can also be used in AROMA THERAPY
A BONG by any other name is
simply a
BONG. RXDirect2u.com
manufactures and sells high quality
Recreational MARIJUANA Industry.
Utilizing proven scientific principles, the RXDirect2U
is calibrated to the optimal temperature ensuring the HEALTHIEST
TOKE you could possibly have.
BONG was designed and perfected in Vancouver British Columbia Canada by
professionals in the MEDICAL
MARIJUANA VAPORIZER Industry. Concerned over the negative health
implications of standard smoking and toking practices, RXDirect2U.com designed
what was to become the
on the Market today.
If you don't smoke MARIJUANA,
no worries, the RXDirect2U VAPORISER
is a natural Health product which can be used in the Aroma Therapy arena as the
you will ever find. Why take our word for it, check out
http://www.rxdirect2u.com to read all
about what makes our VAPORIZER
so much different than anything else you will find in the
VAPORIZER marketplace.
So what is this Vaporizer thing??? A complete overview http://www.rxdirect2u.com
So what is this
VAPORIZER thing and why is it so good. Here is a WIKI article on
VAPORISERS, their uses, the history as
well as some scientific facts around the Beneficial aspects of
VAPORIZERS over traditional smoking
A vaporizer (or vaporiser) is a device used to release the
active ingredients of plant material, commonly
tobacco, and many other
therapeutic or medicinal herbs or blends (phyto-inhalation; see also:
Vaporization is an
alternative to
smoking. Rather than burning the herb, which produces numerous harmful
by-products, a vaporizer heats the material in a controlled manner so that the
active compounds contained in the plant boil off into a
vapor. This new gas is
not smoke from combustion, but an evaporated vapor that has the appearance of
light smoke. The vapor ideally contains virtually zero particulate matter (tar)
and reduced noxious gases such as carbon monoxide.
Vapor may be filtered and cooled
further using a water pipe or an inline water/ice attachment. The
vapor is then inhaled directly through
a hose or pipe for highest activity, or stored for subsequent inhalations in a
container such as a "dome" or "balloon." With little to no smoke produced,
cooler temperatures, and less material required to achieve the same effect, the
irritating/harmful effects of smoking are greatly reduced or eliminated, along
with second hand smoke, by using a
vaporizer. This makes vaporizers
useful in places where there are public bans on smoking and in circumstances
whereas a more medical-like delivery medium is preferred.
Medical implications
The shortcomings of smoking as a delivery medium for cannabis have been
widely viewed as a major obstacle for the approval of
medical marijuana. In response, several scientific studies have tried to
establish whether vaporizers could offer
a clinically reliable and safe method of
cannabis use. Though vaporizers
show great variations of performance, model to model, such studies have
consistently found superior to smoking. When using high-end
vaporizers along with high grade
cannabis (containing elevated levels of
all undesired compounds are found to be eliminated, in a manner consistent
enough for clinical trials. In comparison to other
THC delivery methods such as ingestion,
vaporization offers the advantages of:
rapid onset, direct delivery into the bloodstream (via the lungs), and the
possibility of gradually increasing delivery until the desired level is reached,
enabling more effective self-dosage.
Vaporizers are available in many
varieties and price ranges.
Simple vaporizers commonly use a jet
flame lighter
as a heat source. Although common lighters can also be used, jet flame or torch
lighters are preferred, because they don't stain the vaporizer pipes with soot.
Precise vaporizers use an electric
heating element, often featuring a temperature control and thermo-couple for
accurate thermal exchange. High-end models may cost several hundred U.S.
http://www.rxdirect2u.com/ Offers
the Best all round soloution. the
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is the most cost effective VAPORIZER on
the market today. The quality of the
http://www.rxdirect2u.com VAPORISER
is evident in the attention to detail and emphasis on science in the design of
the http://www.rxdirect2u.com
Broadly, vaporizers may be
classified by how they heat the substance:
In conduction heating, the substance is placed on a metal plate that
is then heated to release the active constituents. Conduction
vaporizers were the first type to
appear on the market, and some are still made today. The direct contact between
hot metal and the herbs can cause them to burn; thus this is not a preferred
approach and is rarely used in modern
vaporizer designs. This design also relies on a collection dome in most
cases and the prolonged exposure of the vapor to air during the collection phase
and prior to the inhalation phase is known to decrease bio-activity via
In convection heating, the substance itself never touches a heating
element. Instead, hot air passes through it, heating it rapidly, and allowing
the release of the active constituents. This method of heating releases more
active constituents than conduction heating, especially if the extraction
chamber utilizes
Venturi effect design such as seen in proprietary
vaporization chamber bowls.
- Many convection vaporizers use a
tube (called a "whip") that is held to the heat source, through which the user
inhales the vapors. Some vaporizers
have a bag or balloon attachment; vapor
is blown into the bag, and the user detaches the bag and inhales the contents.
Certain add-ons allow the users to cool the vapor with water. - Convection vaporizers are either
forced air types which actively blow air through the heating element and
herbs, or passive types, where the user inhales the air without help of a fan
or pump. Most vaporizers today use
the convection principle, including heat guns, "wood box" types, and nearly
every high end
vaporizer on the market today.
In radiation heating, the substance is subjected to bright light. The
substance absorbs radiant energy and its temperature rises. Radiation
vaporizers are rare but capable of
duplicating the performance of convection
Few vaporizer studies/reviews have
really addressed the quality of the vapor extracted and delivered. Most
studies/reviews have tended to focus on the mode of usage of the
vaporizers and not the quality of the
vapor extracted and delivered. When one considers that the active compounds in
Cannabis number at least 60-70 in
quantity and that the aromatic terpinoids
begin to vaporize at 260 °F, but the
more bio-active
CBN, and
THC does not
vaporize until 370-392 °F, then it
becomes apparent that the only way to get a full spectrum
vapor inhalation is to extract and
deliver rapidly from a small sample at a time. Because most commercial
vaporizers are slow in extraction and
delivery, the vapor inhaled is first
aromatic, but only minimally active; and then as the apparent temperature rises,
the vapor becomes increasingly
bio-active, but minimally aromatic as
most of the aromatics already released. Only rapid extraction and delivery
approaches such as the sequential Venturi
vaporization chamber bowls with a hot air gun or heat wand enable inhalation
of fuller spectrum vapor. By utilizing a sequential
Venturi effect, the actual level of condensation of the vapor can be greatly
improved over hoses or balloon capture approaches because the vapor extracted
and delivered is more condensed, without needing higher temperatures that tend
to lead to hybrid smoke/vapor.
Most vaporizers deliver dry vapor:
that is vapor that is extracted and delivered dry. Usually a cooling of the
vapor takes place between the point of
extraction and the point of delivery, but the dry warm nature of this kind of
vapor will often irritate the throat and upper tracheo bronchial tree. It must
be remembered that at least in terms of
Cannabis, heat is the primary culprit leading to damage of the tracheo-bronchial
tree whether smoking or vaporizing.
Cannabis smoke contains tars and
noxious gases known to be harmful not present in accurately extracted vapor;
however, THC is a powerful
expectorant and will cause the tars consumed to be subsequently coughed up
nicotine which does not have a medicinal expectorant quality).
Vaporizers or
vaporization systems that feature rapid
extraction and delivery combined with water / ice cooling and conditioning of
the vapor deliver the best of all: cleaner more concentrated and aromatic
inhalations of vapor that is cooled and moisturized for maximized bio-activity
and minimized impact.
Health and
medical use

Cannabis female flowers
closeup with
trichomes (white). These plant parts contain the highest concentration
of medicinal compounds. After vaporization, the trichomes are flattened,
having released their contents as vapor.
Regardless of the benefits of
medical cannabis,
the widely perceived health risks of smoking as a route of administration have
been viewed as a major obstacle for the legal approval of cannabis for medical
uses, though some studies indicate that the expectorant activity of
THC may help the lungs remove much of
the inhaled tar through coughing. In response to the concerns, several studies
have aimed to establish whether or not vaporizers could offer a clinically
reliable and safe route of administration for
cannabis. Though
vaporizers show great variations in
performance, such studies have consistently found
vaporization superior to smoking and
with best case (high-end vaporizers used
with potent cannabis) results showing an
elimination of undesired compounds suitable for clinical trials. In comparison
to other routes of administering cannabis such as eating,
vaporization offers the advantages of
inhalation - immediate delivery into the bloodstream, rapid onset of effect, and
more precise titration,
the ability to more accurately control the dosage to produce a desired effect.
Scientific studies
All Studies have found the release of harmful constituents dramatically
reduced or completely eliminated. Substantial reductions were also found for the
M1-volatizer. However, a 1996 study including two simple
vaporizers still found ten times more
tar in the vapor than THC, although this
was nevertheless up to a 30% improvement compared to the best alternative
smoking method.
The most recent study, published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology in May
2008, investigated the acceptability and usefulness of intrapulmonary THC
administration using a
RXDIRECT2U Vaporizer and pure THC
instead of cannabis. Rising doses of THC (2, 4, 6 and 8 mg) were administered
with 90 minutes intervals to twelve healthy males. Very low between-subject
variability was observed in THC plasma concentrations, characterising the
Vaporizer as a suitable method for the administration of THC.
In 2007, a study by
University of California, San Francisco published in the Official Journal of
the American Academy of Neurology
examined the effectiveness of a vaporizer
that heats cannabis to a temperature
between 180°C (356°F) and 200°C (392°F) degrees and found:
“ | Using CO as an indicator, there was virtually no exposure to harmful combustion products using the vaporizing device. Since it replicates smoking's efficiency at producing the desired THC effect using smaller amounts of the active ingredient as opposed to pill forms, this device has great potential for improving the therapeutic utility of THC. | ” |
In 2006, a study performed by researchers tested a
RXDIRECT Vaporizer with preparations of pure THC and found that:
“ | Our results show that a safe and effective cannabinoid delivery system seems to be available to patients. The final pulmonal uptake of THC is comparable to the smoking of cannabis, while avoiding the respiratory disadvantages of smoking. | ” |
When using plant material (crude flower tops), besides
THC, several other
cannabinoids as well as a range of other
plant components including
were detected in the plant material. However, using pure THC in the
RXDIRECT Vaporizer, no degradation
products (delta-8-THC
(D8-THC), cannabinol
(CBN), or unknown compounds) were detected by
HPLC analysis. Also, a substantially larger fraction of the THC was
delivered to the vapor by using pure THC.
Analysis of the vapor from the RXDIRECT2U
Vaporizer found that using multiple passes it delivered 36% - 61% of the THC
in the sample. A more
recent study using pure cannabinoid
preparations achieved a maximum of 54%.
For comparison, studies of cannabis cigarettes smoked via a
smoking machine under varying conditions of puff duration and air speed found
very similar efficiencies of 34% to 61%. Consequently, users can achieve the
desired effect with a similar amount of material as when smoking.
In a 2001 study testing a device called the M1 Volatizer,
the researchers found that "it is possible to
vaporize medically active THC by heating
marijuana to a temperature short of the
point of combustion, thereby eliminating or substantially reducing harmful smoke
toxins that are normally present in marijuana smoke." The M1 Volatizer, produced
THC at a temperature of 185°C (365°F), while eliminating three measured
combustion products,
toluene and
Carbon monoxide and smoke
tars were also
reduced, but not quantified.
These positive results are in contrast to
previous studies into vaporizers which found less encouraging results, leading
one to the conclusion that the effectiveness of vaporization varies greatly from
vaporizer to vaporizer. See
Factors affecting vaporizer output for possible causes of variation.
A 1996 MAPS study tested
two simple vaporizer models against
water pipes and filtered and unfiltered
cannabis cigarettes (joints).
The smoke produced by each was analyzed for solid particulates (tars) and 3
major cannabinoids. The various smoking methods were then rated based on their
cannabinoid-to-tar ratio. The two tested vaporizers performed up to 25% better
than unfiltered cannabis cigarettes (second best) in terms of tar delivery.
However, both vaporizers produced more than ten times more tars than
cannabinoids, which may partly be attributable to the low potency (2.3%) of the
cannabis used in the study.
Surprisingly, the same study found that water pipes (bongs)
and filtered cigarettes performed 30% worse than regular, unfiltered
joints. The reason was that waterpipes and filters filter out psychoactive THC
with the tars, thereby requiring users to smoke more to reach their desired
effect. The study did not, however, rule out the possibility that
waterpipes could have other benefits,
such as filtering out harmful gases such as carbon monoxide.
These studies have not measured the presence of toxic gases, such as
hydrogen cyanide and carbon monoxide, though previous studies have indicated
unquantified decreases in carbon monoxide with
Although vaporizers produce cleaner
vapors than smoking, they do not completely eliminate respiratory irritation. A
puff of strong vaporized cannabis will
occasionally cause coughing. This however, could be due to
THC itself, which is known to have a
strong expectorant effect.
The wide range of results from tests of different
vaporizers suggest that the choice of
vaporizer is a major factor in determining extraction and delivery efficiency as
well as the amount of harmful byproducts produced, or not produced, as in the
case of a superior system. In Cannabis
and many other medicinal plants, the components responsible for the aromatic
nature of the plant will often vaporize at a low-end temperature in the range of
extraction temperature values for all the bioactive components. In
Cannabis, the temperature range across
which the actives will vaporize is at least 56°C (132°F) starting at around
127°C (260°F) where only aromatic compounds of minimal bioactivity will release
and going all the way up to 200°C (392°F) with the higher end of this range
representing where the cannabinoids of
higher bioactivity appear to be released. It is believed that both the total
amount of actives delivered as well as the breadth of spectrum delivered per
inhalation is critical in determining the value of the delivered dose and, in
turn, systems that deliver the highest amount of actives and broadest spectrum
of actives per inhalation are believed to be the most effective for medicinal
applications: i.e. venturi enhanced extraction / convection based systems.
Proposed factors affecting output include:
- Temperature
- Specimen
density - Weight, content of water and
essential oils
- Consistency of material in the filling chamber
- Variety and potency of cannabis used
- Different preparations such as crude flower tops,
oil, etc. - Storage time of the vapor
- Proportion of THC exhaled (breathing technique)
Not all those have been scientifically tested. Research using the vaporizer
found the delivery efficiency highest at around 226°C (439°F), falling to about
half efficiency at 150°C (302°F) to 180°C (356°F) degrees depending on material.
The purest preparations produced the highest efficiencies, about 54%
for pure THC versus 29% for plant material (female flower tops) with 12%
THCA content. Besides THC, several other cannabinoids as well as a range of
other plant components including terpenoids were detected in the plant material.
Using pure THC in the RXDIRECT2U Vaporizer,
no degradation products (delta-8-THC (D8-THC), cannabinol (CBN), or unknown
compounds were detected by
HPLC analysis.
The longer vapor is stored, the more
of the THC is lost as it condenses on the surface of the vaporizer or the
balloon. This loss may be negligible over a few minutes but may exceed 50% after
90 minutes.
Interestingly, the Leiden Univsersity study
found that as much as 30%–40% of inhaled THC was not absorbed by the
lungs and simply exhaled. However, they did not find large individual
differences in the amounts exhaled.
Byproducts of
vaporized cannabis
Unlike the black ashes produced by burning plants, the byproducts of
vaporization are usually brown.
Cannabis trichomes containing very high concentrations of active compounds
burst during vaporization and appear flattened afterwards under a microscope.
The vaporized remains of cannabis may still contain THC or any number of the
other 60 cannabinoids found in the plant. It is possible to extract these
cannabinoids using a number of methods, including cooking, making a tincture, or
revaporizing. It is also possible to smoke these remains and gain a possibly
strong psychoactive effect, but the negative health effects typically leave this
option as a last resort. Some of the slang terms used to refer to the vaporized
remains of cannabis include: Browns, Cached, Cashums, Coffee Grounds, Duff,
Eva Brown, Floyd Tibbs, Gak, Mary Brown, No, Obama Browns, Post Roast, ReBurn,
Revap, Snizap, Spent, Toasties, Vapor-leavin's, Vapoo, Vapor poo, Vented,
Vapeweed, Vapedoof, Vaped Chron, or Vaped Bud. When scraped off, the resin
buildup within a vaporizer, known as Scrapings, can also be re-vaporized
for a potent effect.
Use in the restaurant industry
A vaporizer is sometimes used by chefs as a method of applying controlled
heat to herbs and spices to release flavors that are otherwise difficult to
titrate or apply, or that might be spoiled by overheating during cooking.
"Chicago's Achatz uses the aroma-filled bags as place-mats, punctured when
plates are placed in front of the customer."
Table of vaporization temperatures
Plant common name ![]() | Scientific name ![]() | Part utilized ![]() | Temperature ![]() |
Eucalyptus | Leaves | 130°C (266°F) | |
Hops | Cones | 154°C (309°F) | |
Chamomile | Flowers | 190°C (374°F) | |
Lavender | Leaves | 130°C (266°F) | |
Lemon balm | Leaves | 142°C (288°F) | |
Sage | Leaves | 190°C (374°F) | |
Thyme | Herb | 190°C (374°F) | |
Cannabis | Flowers | 180°C (356°F) | |
Tobacco | Leaf | 140-200°C[16] |
Herbal Blends | ||
The Science of Vaporization
From the microchip to polymer plastics to vaccinations to the World Wide Web
technological advancements achieved in the last century touch nearly every
aspect of our lives. Yet we've only begun to realize the potential of such
astounding progress in science, industry and medicine.
Each advancement opens the door to new avenues of discovery,
new possibilities for a higher quality of life. Undeniably, human beings in the
21st century enjoy more recreational and healthy living choices
than ever before.
Despite this ground swell of advancement, however, certain critical areas
remain virtually untouched. Our methods of recreational drug delivery, most
especially smoking, are one such example. Burning tobacco is an
incredibly hazardous way to obtain the benefits of nicotine. Yet, until
very recently no progress has been made in an alternate delivery system.
Despite the past decade's considerable growth in the development of
bio-engineered medications, our methods of delivering these or any substances to
the body outside of a medically supervised environment remain
limited and imprecise. For more on this, see the Addendum, but for now keep in
mind that the hypodermic syringe predates the American Civil
War and the first record of smoking is traced to the Mayans in 600 AD.
Whether homeopathic remedies or synthesized
medications, our current drug delivery techniques are basic, archaic,
and verging on obsolete. Your doctor may deliver remedies via pills,
syringes, skin patches, or particle
inhalers. You may ingest herbal substances by
swallowing raw or extracted plant material or by drinking tea brewed from
suitable leaves.
We can absorb certain effects through the skin by way of a
poultice or salve, or we can inhale the desired essence through the smoke of the
burning plant. Yet each of these methods has limitations and in some cases,
outright dangers. It's been nearly four decades since
technology has advanced enough to let us clearly see the hazards of taking a
substance through the inhalation of its smoke; however, our advanced
technologies have yet to be applied to an alternative method of Viably
delivering these substances directly from the plants themselves.
This is the 21st century! We can manufacture a human heart, yet we're
chained to the carcinogenic byproducts of combustion in order to
receive the desired herbal benefits. Not any more. Inhalation (Phyto means
"plant"). Vaporization is a
substance delivery method purer than smoking, quicker and more direct
than swallowing pills, and painless compared to needles. It is the new
revolution in substance delivery and is poised to strengthen and enrich the
medical, homeopathic, and smoking industries.
Smoking vs. Vaporizing
![]() | Smoking vs. Vaporizing, Why |
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Comments on the http://www.rxdirect2u.com Vaporizer
Comments on the http://www.rxdirect2u.com Vaporizer